Hot Rod - 9 yrs

Hot Rod

Hot Rod – 9 year old, 7lb chihuahua. Hot Rod is a great little guy who, all he wants in the whole wide world, is to be snuggled with and loved. He sleeps snuggled up against your shoulder and arm if allowed. He likes other dogs and tends to want to chase cats. When we got him, he was not using his back legs. For various reasons, including he was in pain, we had both back legs amputated. Hot Rod is doing and feeling soooo much better now. He gets around like a champ in his scoot suit and in his wheels. His front legs are getting stronger and he has mastered lifting his backend up. Hot Rod will make you smile showing that two legs work just as well as four. We are looking for a foster or forever family for Hot Rod. Foster to adopt is a good way to get to learn about Hot Rod.

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Tater - 3 yrs