Foster and forever families are always greatly needed at Lizzy’s.
Check out our current pups looking for their foster and furever homes!
We’re always in need of foster families. The more foster families we have, the more senior pups we can help — these are the ones that are most overlooked at kill shelters simply because they are elderly.
Click on the photos below to learn more about each pup looking for a foster family or forever family. Fill out our adoption/foster form here.
Advantages of Fostering a Lizzy’s Pup
Foster families are desperately needed! If we have more foster families, we can help more senior pups that nobody else wanted simply because they are elderly.
Some think that fostering an elderly/geriatric or even terminally ill companion animal is sad. It can be sad, but it can also be happy. Either way, it is extremely rewarding . A pup can provide their owner emotional and physical benefits. Walking a dog benefits both the animal and person, and dogs offer companionship, loyalty and friendship.
We feel lucky to be able make such an impact in the lives of these pups that others turned away. They deserve a happy life and happy end of life, no matter how long until s/he finds their forever family or until they pass and we do not want them going from place to place in a short amount of time - it is very disorienting for most dogs, but more so for senior pups.
As a foster family, any purchase that you make on behalf of the foster pup can be a tax deduction on your personal tax return for that year.
Also, some of the companion animals are not elderly. They were brought in to Lizzy’s as a special project, and are happy healthy, and much younger! Check them out by clicking on the Lucky Mutts tab.
If are considering adopting, but aren't sure that is the way you want to go, an alternative to adopting right off is foster-to-adopt. Email us at lizzyshospice@gmail.com for questions or click here for a foster/adoption application. Thank you for considering fostering a Lizzy's pup.
Please contact us with any questions. And, please share this page with your friends and on social media. Who knows - the perfect foster or forever family could be someone you hadn't thought of before now.