Jessi-11 yrs


Howdy! My name is Jessi. Yes, like Jessie James, but I am much cuter. I am an 11 year old, 16lb Yorkie mix. . I came to Lizzy’s with Zevie, but we are not a bonded pair. You would not believe how much hair weighs and how great it feels when it is shaved off. Whew, do I feel better!!! Plus, since my bloodwork was so good, I was able to get a dental and have the last few teeth I had taken out and a fistula repaired. I was already neutered, so didn’t have to address that, thank goodness… I am a very sweet boy, if I do say so myself. I sleep a lot, but I would like to learn how to walk onleash so I could go places and be more engaged. I have not barked yet. I am not so much a snuggly pup, but I do not mind being picked up and held. At least I am not a snuggly pup right now. Who knows what the future will bring. I live fine with other pups, and would do best in a home with (an)other pups, but I do ‘t play with other pups. I would call myself a gentle soul…. I am definitely an easy pup. I ride great in the car. I don’t make noise. I am house trained when taken out on a schedule. I would make a great apartment pup. I do like to spend time outside wandering and sniffing around. Maybe you are a good fit for me? I hope to meet you soon. I am looking for a forever family or a fabulous foster family. Foster to adopt is a great way to see how it will go. Email us with question at


Andi-12 yrs


Eras-8 yrs